I have changed the sketch a little bit. I don't think a three year old boy aappreciate flowers, so I put in some text instead. Hope I still can enter the challenge:) I found the "pressent"-stamp in the bottom of my stash bag... Had actually forgotten that I had it... Think it fits the WoJ stamps pretty well!
It's so gorgeous and of course it qualifies!! I love those WOJ stamps and how you've coloured them!
SvarSlettThanks so much for joining in the fun at Sketch and Stash!!
Love Becky xx
Hei tante Karen!
SvarSlettJeg har set mye på din lille blogg å jeg synes du lager mange fine kort.
Og senere kommer det noe i posten som jeg har laget til dere.
det er laget noe til deg,onkel Kristian og lille Gråtass.
Håper vi møter dere i sommerferien.
Du må hilse de andre i familien.
Hilsen meg,Andrea.